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Seducing Yourself Into Song

2015-02-09T00:11:41-08:00June 24, 2012|Inspiration Station, News|

A few weeks ago, I took an amazing course called “Stand and Deliver“.  It’s a fabulous public speaking experience that helps you to develop and refine the skills to speak confidently, effectively, from the heart and from a relaxed and grounded place.  I had a really fun time and learned a lot.  I actually left feeling like the workshop was about more than just public speaking, it was about cultivating belief in yourself and using that belief to speak from an authentic and passionate place.  I felt empowered and inspired by the workshop.  Can you tell that , […]

Sunday Slow Jam Vol.25 – Simply Beautiful

2018-11-23T21:30:22-08:00July 17, 2011|News, Sunday Slow Jams|

I heard this song last week and it stopped me mid stretch in my Zumba class. I was mesmerized and couldn’t get it out of my head. So I immediately went home, pressed play and it has been on repeat, literally, since then. There’s so much to appreciate about this tune: The chord progression (8 bars of heaven), the overall production and instrumentation, the organ that sighs in the background, the tasty groove, the warm, round tone of the bass and guitar, the kick drum that hits the spot everytime, Al sharing his heart…. This is soul […]

I Heart Smithers!

2015-01-22T20:22:08-08:00April 20, 2011|Inspiration Station, News|

This past March Karla Mundy and I were invited to be guest clinicians for a fabulous choral festival called, Festival of Voices, in Smithers BC. Overall, it was a rich experience that affirmed the magic of music and it’s ability to create community and transform people.  It was a jam packed weekend, so jam packed there wasn’t anytime to take pictures! Karla and I immediately fell in love with the town of Smithers, Northern BC is absolutely gorgeous.  The crisp air, the mountains, glaciers, the Bulkley Valley…It’s an enchanting town filled with active, hardworking, interesting and […]

Goin’, Goin’ Gandhi

2018-11-23T21:30:26-08:00March 11, 2011|Inspiration Station, News|

31I have two fabulous friends who put together a monthly podcast called Dirty Apples. This past December, they created one called Gandhi’s Fundamentals which was inspired by Gandhi’s Fundamentals for Changing the World. This particular podcast, full of beautiful and compelling melodies really inspired me to seriously reflect and take Gandhi’s fundamentals to heart. I was moved by the simple brilliance of his words and decided that in 2011, I’d like to intentionally use these fundamentals as my compass for being in the world.

To help me learn, digest, […]

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