31I have two fabulous friends who put together a monthly podcast called Dirty Apples. This past December, they created one called Gandhi’s Fundamentals which was inspired by Gandhi’s Fundamentals for Changing the World. This particular podcast, full of beautiful and compelling melodies really inspired me to seriously reflect and take Gandhi’s fundamentals to heart. I was moved by the simple brilliance of his words and decided that in 2011, I’d like to intentionally use these fundamentals as my compass for being in the world.

To help me learn, digest, memorize and embody the fundamentals I created little cards and placed them all over my home (on the fridge, in the bathroom, on the back of my front door, in my agenda, next to my bed) so that no matter where I looked I would see them (go here to download your very own cards).  Everyday, I read, reflect and think about what it really means to change one’s self, take action and specifically how do I actually do that. I constantly ask myself “What would Gandhi do?” So far I’ve have discovered a sense of deepening wisdom and trust. I have noticed a difference in how I let the stresses of life affect me and in how I choose to respond and act in tough situations and relate to others.  Each fundamental is so rich and presents an amazing opportunity for potential transformation of self and community that I am still mesmerized by the first two.

It hasn’t been a walk in the park either. It’s a daily, minute by minute process that I have embarked on. I’ve had to take responsibility for my behaviors and be  accountable for my actions. As well as, try to understand the necessity for change and my resistance towards it.  I know this will be a life long path of learning to understand myself and the world around me. I truly believe that we are called to be our best and brightest selves and that so many will benefit by choosing to live bravely and love fiercely, especially at the hardest of times. For me, these fundamentals is the way to make it all possible.