It’s late and I should already be asleep, as one of my goals for 2012 is to get more rest, but it’s a rainy evening and I’m cosy at home listening to Bill Evans and can’t stop creating my goals and intentions for 2012.  I love setting goals, visioning and casting my intentions far into the unknown with the hopes that the universe will bless me with a purposeful and beautiful “haul”.  Something about this practice is exciting and gives me hope, especially since I usually end up being somewhat successful.  It also helps to keep me on track and remind myself of the things that are important to me.  There are a few crucial times during the year that I do this, milestone months that easily help me reflect upon and compare what was going on in the previous years.

-September (I’m a teacher/perpetual student and September will always feel like the start of a new year to me)

-January (Well, everyone seems to do it now…so why not!)

-April (It’s my birth month)

-June (Again, the end of the teaching year and the start of summer which is a time for me to explore, rejuvenate, play and do some of my own learning)

Tonight, as I’m writing, reading and going through old journal entries, I stumbled upon this one from September:

“…your health, your wits, your friends and your family are all that you really have to sustain you. If you nurture these aspects throughout your life you will be healthier and happier. Mind, Body and Community are our greatest possessions and treasures….”

It still rings true for me. Back then, I created a little motto for myself to help me remember to live this way, “Move. Learn. Connect”. So far it’s been a great reminder and a simple, concrete way to measure how I am living.

Overall, I’m trying to keep things simple and not let myself be bogged down by a long list of “to-do’s”. I want this year to be one of growth, strength, compassion, joy and love and I think I need to focusing less on “crossing things off the list” and have more time to enjoy the people I’m with and the moments I’m in. Of course, those “to do’s” need to be done. I just want the “doing” to be less hectic and have a little more meaning.

All the best with your resolutions and goals. I hope that you make the year what you want it to be, nurture helpful habits, don’t give up and keep your eye on the prize!

This is the tune that got me rolling. I blame Bill.